New Sanctuary Coalition

Keeping families together and advocating against deportations



Our primary informational resources are available to download below. But we recommend attending a training to get a full contextual understanding of this information. 

Rights card

You can present a rights card to law enforcement as a way to communicate that you do not wish to answer their questions at any point, before or after a detainment or arrest. You can also write the name of your lawyer or a legal aid organization and their telephone number. This PDF file can be given to a printer or uploaded to a printing service (like Vistaprint, Staples, etc.) to be printed out on 3.5" x 2" cards. One side is in Spanish, the other in English. Text via the National Immigration Law Center (NILC).
Download the template

If you'd rather use a standard printer with typical 8.5" x 11" sheets of paper, you can use this template. Simply cut out the horizontal rectangles and fold over each piece to make a two-sided, bilingual card.
Download from the NILC


Beyond Know Your Rights foldout:

A basic guides to the rights that all people, despite immigration status, have to protect themselves when they encounter Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Learn what rights you can assert when you encounter ICE at home, at work, or on the streets, and how citizens and non-citizens can "buddy" up to protect each other.

This template is meant to be printed on both sides of an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper, which can then be folded into a "brochure" style of leaflet. 
Download in English
Download in Spanish (en Español)
Download in Arabic (باللُغةِ العَرَبيّةِ)



Protect Your Workplace guide:

A guide specifically aimed at helping customers, employees, owners, managers, and others about how to ensure that all present in and around a business are asserting their rights by preparing and protecting themselves from ICE incursions. It includes easy dos and don'ts when it comes to encounters with ICE, how to distinguish enforceable judge-signed warrants from unenforceable ICE-issued warrants.
Download in English
Download in Spanish (en Español)
Download in Arabic (باللُغةِ العَرَبيّةِ)

Protect Your Workplace one-sheet with warrant :

The basics of asserting one's rights at a place of business with advice on how to distinguish whether or not a warrant is enforceable. 
Download in English

How to Be a Sanctuary House of Worship guide:

A one-sheet explainer.
Download in English

From other organizations:

Download the Immigrant Defense Project's ICE Raids Toolkit, a comprehensive and heavily-cited resource describing the government's various tactics for criminalizing and attacking immigrants, and how to resist them from the streets to the courthouse.

New Yorkers, read the State Attorney General's current "Guidance concerning local authorities’ participation in immigration enforcement and model provisions." 

The Immigrant Legal Resource Center hosts a number of helpful guides, including its Legislative Advocacy toolkit and Local Policy Interventions for Protecting Immigrants.

New Sanctuary Coalition

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